6 Reasons to Not be Lazy
As I was thinking and praying about what to write today, a word popped out to me in my notes from Proverbs 31 – laziness. It made me cringe because it’s a word I have […]
As I was thinking and praying about what to write today, a word popped out to me in my notes from Proverbs 31 – laziness. It made me cringe because it’s a word I have […]
I’ve been thinking recently about what it means to not just be a good friend, but a godly friend. How do I build deep, Christian friendships rather than surface-level friendships? I don’t feel like the […]
Growing up. As a kid, I couldn’t wait to be a teenager. I thought by the time I reached 16, I would be so grown-up. Now, my age no longer has the word “teen” in […]
Our Bible study group recently had a challenge to memorize a passage of Scripture from whatever we are currently studying. I have been studying the book of Hebrews, so I decided to memorize Hebrews 11:1-7. […]
I have noticed something interesting since these stay at home orders began. I have had more time to think about my thoughts. I know that sounds crazy, but with a night class and commuting to […]
What an interesting time we are living in! It’s funny to think that in just a few weeks, people went from joking about the coronavirus like it was no big deal to living in quarantine. […]
Several years ago, as I led a game for the four and five-year-olds, a little boy asked me at VBS, “What’s that ring on your finger?” “It’s my purity ring,” I replied. The little boy […]
A friend of mine challenged a group of us to start off the year in the Psalms. For the month of January, we were challenged to memorize Psalms passages and take time to delight in […]
I was recently reading through the book of Matthew, and I was struck by what I learned about Joseph. Joseph isn’t a character we spend much time on, which is understandable since the Bible doesn’t […]
Sometimes I wish I was still a little girl, back when I was oblivious to things like house votes and presidential elections. Back when all I knew about the government was our nation’s history, knowing […]